The small island nation of Bailara sits comfortably west of Dravania and south of The Northern
Empty, with the capital city of Ixave and its royal seat settled on the eastern coast. A region of arid
dunes, oases, and pockets of humid rainforests, the region is as colorful as its populace.
Flag The lotus portion of Bailara's banner represents the first settlers. Hannish merchants that had become lost at sea, their boat finally making its way to the shores of the wild and untamed land. The golden horse represents their faithful steeds and the main export of the nation. The golden lightning bolt was added when the current queen took the throne.
Motto 'Whatever Comes, We Face As One'
Ixave has been ruled by a sultanate, much like Ul'dah, for long as it has been a nation. The royal line can be traced back all the way to the captain that saw the survivors safety to shore, and was then crowned the first sultana by the settlers after the foundations for some of the first houses had been laid. The crown is passed down to whichever child is deemed best suited to the role, the decision placed in the hands of the family and their closest advisors.
Leader Sultana Electrum Bumblebee
Body A council of advisors made up of those chosen by the royal family as well as people elected by the citizens are involved with all major decisions that impact the sultanate.
Distribution Hellsguard Roegadyn: 30% Highlander Hyur: 20% Seawolf Roegadyn: 20% Dunesfolk Lalafell: 10% Raen Au Ra: 10% Other: 10%
Llymlaen for the waters that surround it and the ship that brought its first people to its shores; Nald'thal for its merchant founders; Byregot for those that laid the first bricks - Bailara could associate itself with any number of gods and so it does. It is a nation of open religion, commanding an impressive temple that is not dedicated to one singular god, but to all - even sporting quiet alcoves for the meditation and worship of the kami and ancestors. Formal services are held twice every day - once in the morning for astrally aligned gods, and again in the evening for umbral aligned gods, and thus in a six-day cycle every one of the Twelve is given due. The seventh day is generally seen as the day for non-Twelve worship, but the doors of the temple are always open for any and all who require them, no matter their faith.
Guilds Bailara is home to guilds representing horse breeders, horse racers, merchants, diplomats, prostitutes, dancers, and geomancers.
Industries Horses: While chocobos are the preferred steed throughout most Eorzea, the Hannish merchants had hoped to offload their living cargo on the Othardian continent, where horses are far more common. These horses became indispensible for the merchants when they were shipwrecked on the island that would become Bailara, becoming its first true industry.
Racing: One of the first hobbies to become widespread, the Bailarans have made horse-racing into an art. From the week-long island race that sees racers and their steeds around and across the entire breadth of the nation, to the chariot and smaller scale races within the capital, Bailarans pride themselves on their horsemanship.
Fabrics: The region has several flora that are used in the making of exotic and vibrant dyes that are worked into the fabrics they make. These fabrics are light weight, breathable, and offer the best protection in the sweltering heat, while also being incredibly stylish.
Pearls: Being surrounded on all sides by sea waters rich in aquatic life, merchant ships traveling to and from Bailara often find themselves with a small stock of quality pearls to sell in far away markets.
Seafood: Much like pearls, seafood is a matter of course for an island nation. The waters surrounding Bailara are host to humongous salt water fish and ships often pack a portion of their hold full of fish and ice crystals to see them through the voyage, as well as to sell in foreign ports.
Prostitution: As a general rule in Bailaran society, sexuality is a beautiful, natural thing, not something to be hidden away, or to be ashamed of. Giving legality to the profession ensures happiness among a free-love citizenry, who see sex and love as joys to be shared, as well as safety to the practitioners of such an art. Many shops are dedicated to the pursuit of bliss, including massage parlors where those of asexual or nonsexual preference can still enjoy physical presence and touch.
Beliefs Though they have been ruled by royals since the nation's inception, the Bailarans are quick to remind people that they chose their first ruler and so they are the ones with the true power. This has made a nation of a people unafraid to speak their mind to anyone. On top of that is the belief that every man must strive for himself - find his own happiness and freedom. Bailarans on a whole don't care who you are or where you came from - they wish to lead simple, free lives and have fun doing it.
Diet While seafood is a main staple for the islanders, it only makes up part of their varied diet. The capital city of Ixave is in the middle of an oasis sporting extremely fertile land, and on this land farmers grow lush fruit trees and vegetables. The humid rainforests that make up part of the nation are rich in game, and even some species of cacti in the desert are edible. Bailaran cuisine is hearty, flavorful, and filling.