WARNING: The following person of interest
(hereby referred to as PoI) is EXTREMELY
All information contained in this report is
CONFIDENTIAL. Said information should be
disseminated to AUTHORIZED
.................-- Report prepared by Kanryuu Himura
Legal Name: Enenra Hannya
Alias: Smoke
Associated Groups of Interest: The Maelstrom,
Garlond Ironworks, the Confederacy, the Doman Liberation
Front, the Gardeners, Shadowhunter, possible others.
Reason for monitoring: PoI is an extraordinarily
dangerous, powerful individual with little to no moral code.
PoI possesses a unique skill-set that lends itself to high-
priority, dangerous missions, including but not limited to
the hunting and destruction of artifacts, beasts, and
humanoid targets.
Course of action: PoI is to be kept in high-security single-
occupancy cell in the location of capture (Doma, heretofore
referred to as capture point 01), considered too dangerous
to move over long distances as chance of escape is high. PoI
is to be monitored six-to-six. IMPERATIVE: The mask and
manacles that contain her powers are NOT to be broken or
removed under ANY circumstances. PoI is capable of
fighting with bladed weapons while remaining masked and
manacled. PoI is to be fed by means which do not necessitate
the removal of her mask and manacles. Under decree
#2234AAJR, PoI can be used for missions deemed necessary
if the proper precautions are taken.
Priority: High.
Status: In containment. ESCAPED.
Important note: It is imperative that PoI never be
linked to this organization. PoI's prior work with this
organization, including but not limited to the assassination
of key figures is of the UTMOST CONFIDENTIALITY.